About Us
Helping keep seniors of Kosciusko County healthy and happy through activities and meaningful connections
Our Mission
Enriching Lives
To provide educational, recreational, and supportive services to enrich the lives of senior adults in Kosciusko County.
Our priorities are medical, nutritional, and other professional services. We want the seniors of Kosciusko County to be cared for well!

The Story of
Who we Are
Our programs are developed in response to the needs of Seniors in Kosciusko County. We provide services to people age 60 and older, and are also a Medicaid Waiver provider. These needs are identified through personal contacts, numerous surveys by several other County Social Service and governmental agencies, physicians, and family members.
The City of Warsaw and our County Council are interested in improving and enlarging options for Seniors and their families.
It is our purpose and our goal to develop services and alternatives to improve the life circumstances of our Seniors.
The Story Of
Our History
The Kosciusko County Council on Aging and Aged, Inc. was founded in 1957 by a number of citizens working in a voluntary capacity to provide home-delivered meals to older citizens. The agency was incorporated in 1967 as a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Fifteen Board of Director members and an Executive Director have as their primary purpose the development and coordination of programs to meet the needs of some 14,000 older citizens in Kosciusko County.
Kosciusko Community Senior Services has been instrumental in the formation of the Senior Activity Center, Mobile Meals, transportation for Medicaid patients and other seniors who need to conduct their daily business. The agency acts as a clearing house for information and referral for the elderly in Kosciusko County.

Senior Activity Center
The agency also sponsors programs for the Senior Activity Center. There are many other services that we sponsor, coordinate or conduct for seniors. We receive some State and Federal funding through our Area 2 Agency on Aging located in South Bend.
We also receive funds from the Kosciusko County council / commissioners as well as donations from some of our seniors who use certain services.
Volunteers are the driving force behind the delivery of our services and in many ways the overall operation of several of our programs. Many programs would not be possible without these dedicated volunteers.
Volunteer with Kosciusko Community Senior Services
We need volunteers like you! Contact us today and we will get you plugged into the perfect role.